After activating this interface function, the server will delete the current successfully pulled data and no longer save it! Please handle the data returned by the interface properly. This status report is saved for 72 hours, with a maximum storage capacity of 1 million entries.


Note: This interface is not open by default. Please contact customer service to enable it.


Request ProtocolHTTP POST
Encoding FormatUTF8


Attention; Please request the corresponding URL based on the node where the account is located, otherwise the query will be inaccurate.

Parameter Description

accountstringYESAPI account"account":"IM9000001"
passwordstringYESAPI password (8-16 bits)"password":"ABCdef15301"
countintegerYESPulling quantity (upper limit of 100, default to 20)"count":"20"

Request Example



Parameter Description

resultstringUpward detailed result, returns an empty array if there is no result"result":[{XXX}]
destCodestringchannelization code"destCode":"106598054231708616"
mobilestringUplink mobile phone number"mobile":"106598054231708616"
mobilestringUplink mobile phone number uplink time, format yyMMddHHmm, where yy=last two digits of the year (00-99)"moTime":"1805221048"
msgstringUpstream content"msg":"hello"

Response example
