API Reference


WhatsApp API Account Unban Solution

meta官方政策对注册企业版WhatsApp的要求比较严格,账户被封的情况可能随时发生,账号被封会给企业带来不小的影响,如何应对WhatsApp API账户被封的问题,以及如何预防此类事件的发生,下面一些常见的账户解禁技巧。

1. 为什么WhatsApp API会被封?

WhatsApp API账户被封的原因,目前有两个主要方面

一是在注册WhatsApp Business API (WABA)后立即被禁用的情况。


  • 未经用户许可,发送垃圾信息,导致用户投诉。

2. 如何解禁 WhatsApp 账号?



向 WhatsApp 支持请求帐户审核,登录“ WhatsApp Business Manager’”。
单击页面顶部的“All Tools” ,然后单击“Business Support Home”。
选择您的 WhatsApp 商业帐户。
从违规列表中选择并单击“Request Review”。
输入支持详细信息并单击“Submit”,Meta 团队通常需要最多 48 小时来审核您的帐户。





申诉填写内容可参考以下列模板,按提交后即可等待 WhatsApp 的回复,一般在1个工作日内。

模板1:向 Meta 团队解释情况,澄清 WhatsApp API帐户封禁和请求恢复。

Dear Meta team,

[company name] is a company focusing on [main business], our official website address is [official website address]. Since its establishment, it has been committed to providing customers with high-quality [products or services], and has established a good reputation and image in the industry.

We signed up for the WhatsApp API to effectively address important business scenarios such as customer support and sales activities. We plan to integrate it on the company's official website to facilitate customers to consult at any time, timely answer their questions about our products or services, and improve customer experience. At the same time, the API will also be used to send important notification messages to subscribed customers, such as product update information, order status reminders and exclusive offers, to enhance interaction and stickiness with customers and promote the smooth development of business.

The suspension of this account has had a great adverse impact on our business. For example, we rely on WhatsApp to send OTP in the customer login process. As a result, a large number of OTP cannot be sent normally due to the account blocking, and many customers cannot log in to our platform or service smoothly, which seriously hinders the normal operation of the business, resulting in customer dissatisfaction and loss of potential business opportunities.

We solemnly declare that we have deeply understood the relevant policies of WhatsApp and have deeply reflected on this account blocking incident. We understand the importance of complying with the rules of the platform and hereby guarantee that we will not violate any regulations. We kindly request you to review our account status and lift the current restrictions so that we can resume normal business operations.

With regards
[Company name]

模板 2:表示同意 WhatsApp 的规定,对违反 WhatsApp 政策的道歉以及寻求帮助以恢复您的账户。

Dear Meta team,

We are [company name], a company focused on [main business]. Our brands are loved by our customers and are committed to providing high quality [products/services]. Our official website is [official website address], where customers can learn more about our information.

We recently discovered that our WhatsApp Business API account was disabled, which caused inconvenience to our customer communication and business operations. We sincerely apologize for this and acknowledge that we may have unknowingly violated WhatsApp's usage policies.

We have thoroughly reviewed our operational processes and ensured that all team members have fully understood and agreed to abide by WhatsApp's policies. We are committed to taking greater care in future usage to ensure that our communication practices fully comply with WhatsApp's regulations.

We kindly ask the Meta team to consider our complaint and help us unblock our account. We look forward to continuing to work with WhatsApp to provide excellent services to our customers." If you need any additional information or documentation, or have any suggestions that can help us improve, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

With regards,
[Company name]

Dear Meta team,
[company name] is a company focusing on [main business], our official website address is [official website address]. Since its establishment, it has been committed to providing customers with high-quality [products or services], and has established a good reputation and image in the industry.

We signed up for the WhatsApp API to effectively address important business scenarios such as customer support and sales activities. We plan to integrate it on the company's official website to facilitate customers to consult at any time, timely answer their questions about our products or services, and improve customer experience. At the same time, the API will also be used to send important notification messages to subscribed customers, such as product update information, order status reminders and exclusive offers, to enhance interaction and stickiness with customers and promote the smooth development of business.

The suspension of this account has had a great adverse impact on our business. For example, we rely on WhatsApp to send OTP in the customer login process. As a result, a large number of OTP cannot be sent normally due to the account blocking, and many customers cannot log in to our platform or service smoothly, which seriously hinders the normal operation of the business, resulting in customer dissatisfaction and loss of potential business opportunities.

We solemnly declare that we have deeply understood the relevant policies of WhatsApp and have deeply reflected on this account blocking incident. We understand the importance of complying with the rules of the platform and hereby guarantee that we will not violate any regulations. We kindly request you to review our account status and lift the current restrictions so that we can resume normal business operations.

With regards
[Company name]
Dear Meta team,

We are [company name], a company focused on [main business]. Our brands are loved by our customers and are committed to providing high quality [products/services]. Our official website is [official website address], where customers can learn more about our information.

We recently discovered that our WhatsApp Business API account was disabled, which caused inconvenience to our customer communication and business operations. We sincerely apologize for this and acknowledge that we may have unknowingly violated WhatsApp's usage policies.

We have thoroughly reviewed our operational processes and ensured that all team members have fully understood and agreed to abide by WhatsApp's policies. We are committed to taking greater care in future usage to ensure that our communication practices fully comply with WhatsApp's regulations.

We kindly ask the Meta team to consider our complaint and help us unblock our account. We look forward to continuing to work with WhatsApp to provide excellent services to our customers." If you need any additional information or documentation, or have any suggestions that can help us improve, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

With regards,
[Company name]

3. 如何有针对性地避免账号被封?

针对注册 WABA 后立即被禁用的情况

  • 使用可信度高的 Facebook 账户:找一个使用时间久且信誉良好的 Facebook 账户来注册 BM 和 WABA,比如找满足条件的同事帮忙注册,如此能提升注册的可信度,降低因账户因素被系统质疑而禁用的风险。
  • 新注册的Facebook,需要进行养号一段时间,同一设备同一ip,可以加几个老Facebook账号,但不要一次加太多,每天浏览、点赞。主要目前是为了防止账号被官方认定为机器人注册进行封号。


  • 避免频繁更换登录设备
  • 避免同设备登录多个FB账户
  • 不要购买非法来源的FB个人账户


  • 账户预热和前期发送高质量消息:优先发送低投诉率的消息,例如验证码、有用的通知,降低封禁风险,在账号安全稳定之后逐步增加营销类的消息。
  • 在正确时间为正确客户发送恰当消息:依客户作息、消费习惯选好发送时间,按兴趣等精准细分客户确保消息匹配需求,提升送达率与接受度,避免因打扰致投诉封号。
  • 关注号码质量:定期检查WhatsApp号码的质量,当号码质量降低到Low,停止发送低质量的消息。
  • 允许客户退订营销:清晰提供退订方式,及时处理退订请求,尊重客户的选择,避免打扰客户引发投诉,维护账号健康运营。
  • 避免盲发营销:不要向陌生号码群发广告营销信息,当用户收到您的消息并认为自己被打扰的情况下,可以非常轻松的点击按钮进行投诉、举报,而投诉率将很快导致账号被禁用。



  • 向已经了解你品牌的客户发送营销消息;
  • 向已经订阅品牌营销的客户发送消息;
  • 向老客户发送营销信息;
  • 已经通过其他渠道获得客户沟通意向的时候;
  • 当您所拥有的品牌是一个国际知名品牌并获得绿标/蓝标认可时候。


  • 通过CTWA 获客,潜在客户点击在 Facebook 或 Instagram 等平台上看到的企业广告时,会自动开启和企业的WhatsApp 对话。
  • 使用 WhatsApp 聊天接待网站访客,并转化为WhatsApp联系人,用户完成咨询后将自动留下 WhatsApp 号码,您可以随时再次联系他们。
  • 通过Email、SMS等方式触达潜在客户,引导他们了解和订阅WhatsApp营销推送。